Watch Here on Earth online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Here on Earth cinema online for free. The cinema Here on Earth has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this cinema online. Watch this on the blog. Miguel (Luis Miguel Cintra) is lucky that his income will only level off if he neglects his business as a financier, and his wife and family will be well supported. Why? Because he has begun hearing noises that no one else hears, noises that bother him a great deal, and that make it impossible for him to bear human society. His wife (Jessica Weiss) is thoroughly put out by this radically changed behavior in her formerly good husband, but though she considers leaving him, she stays by his side. Deep in the mountains, Cecelia (Rita Dias), a devout, pure young cowherd, has been brutally raped by an old man. Her boyfriend (Pedro Hestnes) has killed the rapist, and fled the area. As a result of the rape, Cecelia is pregnant. One day, while driving in the mountains, Miguel gives Cecelia's boyfriend a ride. The two of them chance upon her sitting amid the rocks with her infant baby.

Year: 1993
Genre : Drama, Crime, Mystery
Runtime: 105 minutes
Release Date: 1993-09-09
Actors : Luís Miguel Cintra, Jessica Weiss, Pedro Hestnes, Rita Dias, Isabel de Castro