Watch Zero Woman: Assassin Lovers online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Zero Woman: Assassin Lovers cinema online for free. The cinema Zero Woman: Assassin Lovers has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the blog. A special agent of the Tokyo Police has been given the assignment of assassinating a group of crime bosses. Soon afterwards, she encounters the hitman the crime bosses have sent to kill her. After talking together, they discover that they are equally reluctant to carry out their assignments. They are pushed onward by their respective bosses, however, until they must both decide where their loyalties truly lie.

Year: 1996
Genre : Action, Thriller
Runtime: 86 minutes
Release Date: 1996-01-01
Actors : Kumiko Takeda, Keiji Matsuda, Tokuma Nishioka, Marie Jinno